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Pay Safe.

Pay safe !!

A) Credit card : 

You can pay your order with Mastercard or Visa. This will be done on a secured SSL-server.

Choose during the order process in the checkbox under way of payment for "credit card".
The debit will appear on your creditcard statement as "Artworld.NL, Hoogvliet"
The funds will be directly deducted from the credit card after the products are ordered online.

B) Pay in advance : 

You also can pay in advance for your order. After the completion of the order process you'll receive a confirmation of your order by e-mail. Use the ordering number on the confirmation e-mail for transferring your money to our bank. Transfer the total amount ( that is including shipping costs ) to our bank using the next details : 
Meldpad 10 
3193TM Hoogvliet 
The Netherlands 

Telefone: 0031642297970 
FAX: 0031108404456 

ABN-AMRO 592996786 
IBAN: NL90ABNA0592996786 

Choose during the order process in the checkbox under way of payment for "pay in advance".

Your bank should be able to help you filling out the details. 
It usually takes about 2 to 4 working days before we receive the amount. 
After that we will sent you the ordered items immediatly ofcourse.

C) Paypal:

You can also choose to pay wit paypal !!

PayPal can be used to send and receive payments online. Once you sign up for PayPal, you can send money to anyone with an email address. You can use money from your PayPal balance or from another payment method of your choice, such as a credit card, debit card or your bank account. Recipients are then notified by email that they have received a payment from you.