Frequently Asked Questions.
What does deliverystatus "5 days" mean ?
Delivery status "2 weeks" means that the product status is not standard in our shop available.If you wish to order this product the best thing you can do is to contact us.
Delivery status "2 weeks" means that the product status is not standard in our shop available.If you wish to order this product the best thing you can do is to contact us.
Where can i find Artworld ?
The adress of Artworld is:
Meldepad 10, 3193TM te Hoogvliet, Rotterdam, The netherlands.
The adress of Artworld is:
Meldepad 10, 3193TM te Hoogvliet, Rotterdam, The netherlands.
Can i park in the vacinety of Artworld?
Yes, Artworld has enough parkingspaces in the neighbourhood..
Yes, Artworld has enough parkingspaces in the neighbourhood..
What are the opening times ?
Our store is at this moment only open with an appiontment.
Our store is at this moment only open with an appiontment.
We do not have an evening sale..
Has Artworld / Degasshop / Rodinshop gift-cetificates ?
Yes we do ! Artworld does sell gift certificates. They can be spend in any web-shop and store of Artworld. They are available in 50, 100, 250 and 500 euro's.
Can i get any discount at Artworld, Rodin shop or Degas shop ?
Artworld buys cleaverly and in large numbers. The biggest part of our products are made in our own workplace. We actually make them ourselves. Each piece is made by hand and in each single piece goes a lot of work. It takes a lot of time, effort and raw materials. But we are happy to to so !! The main advantage we get by making our products this way we give tou you. So you understand, the margin is already quite low, therefore we can not give you any discount on our fine products. Please contact our salesdepartment is you want to buy in bigger numbers. Maybe we can give you a better price.
Artworld buys cleaverly and in large numbers. The biggest part of our products are made in our own workplace. We actually make them ourselves. Each piece is made by hand and in each single piece goes a lot of work. It takes a lot of time, effort and raw materials. But we are happy to to so !! The main advantage we get by making our products this way we give tou you. So you understand, the margin is already quite low, therefore we can not give you any discount on our fine products. Please contact our salesdepartment is you want to buy in bigger numbers. Maybe we can give you a better price.
I place my order but i didn't get an e-mail. What now ?
It may happen that you confirmation e-mail does not arrive because your virusscanner and/or spamfilter on your computer or at your provider. Ecspecailly with the so called "free" mail adresses like hotmail or yahoo is occaisionly happens. If this is the case please contact us as soon as possible at the artworld customerservice.
Does Artworld Repair my work of art ?
Yes, we do. Artworld has it's own repairservice and workplace. We take care of all the repairs for you !!